La volonté individuelle occupe une place importante en droit de la famille à présent. La liberté contractuelle commence par la formation, continue pendant son existence et se manifeste même au moment de la dissolution de la famille. Les droits patrimoniaux, aussi que les obligations patrimoniales relèvent de son champ d’application, ainsi que les droits fondamentaux. La liberté contractuelle en droit de la famille est limitée par l’ordre public et les bonnes moeurs, mais l’ordre public a commencé à diminuer son champ d’application, et les bonnes moeurs sont changées radicalement. Par conséquent, on assiste à une tendance de «privatisation» de la famille et aux transformations profondes en droit de la famille.
Mots-clés: la liberté contractuelle, les fiançailles, le mariage, des époux, l’enfant, le régime matrimonial, le divorce, la reproduction humaine assistée médicalement, la filiation.
The individual will has an important role in the family law at present. The contractual freedom starts with the formation, continues during its existence and is shown even upon dissolution of the family. Its scope includes both property rights and obligations, as well as fundamental rights. The contractual freedom in the family law shall be limited by public policy and accepted principles of morality, however, public policy has started to diminish its extent, and the accepted principles of morality have started to radically change. Therefore, we are witnessing the trend of “privatization” of the family and deep transformation in the family law.
Keywords: contractual freedom, engagement, marriage, spouses, child, matrimonial regime, divorce, medically assisted human reproduction, filiation.
Material publicat în RDF nr. 1-2/20219
Revista de Dreptul Familiei, în parteneriat cu Editura Universul Juridic, la data de 23 octombrie 2021, în cadrul Conferinţei (Inter)naţionale de Drept Civil. Familia, a acordat
Doamnei conf. univ. dr. Adina R. Motica şi Doamnei conf. univ. dr. Lavinia Tec pentru studiul
„Familia prin contract”, publicat în nr. 1-2/2019 al Revistei de Dreptul Familiei.
Laudatio a fost rostit de către Doamna prof. univ. dr. Marieta Avram